Yorkies: The Truth |
is NO such recognized breed as the Teacup Yorkie, Toy Yorkie, Tiny
Teacup Yorkie, or any other name that implies that there is a separate
and distinct dog breed, smaller than the standard yorkie.

Let's get things straight and
give you the hard facts about this. Teacup Yorkies are not a
breed or a subset of Yorkies, regardless of the term used by backyard
breeders to market small or tiny Yorkies. There is only one recognized
breed of Yorkies. Please be aware that because it is a Yorkie, it is
classified as a Yorkie. "Teacup" is a term that is used to get
more money out of unsuspecting buyers
The yorkie breed standard calls for Yorkies to be 4-7#. A lot of
breeders market these as "Toy" yorkies even though they meet the breed
standard as a "ploy" to get more money. |
Health Problems in "Teacup"
Liver Shunts
Patella Luxation
Periodontal Disease
Eye Abnormalities
Frail Bones
Shorter Lifespan
Organs that do not develop properly that can cause anything
fromheart/liver failure
Open Fontanelles (soft spots in the skull that don't close due to
stunted growth leaving the dogs more vulnerable to sudden death after
If that's not convincing enough which Yorkie would
you prefer? |
"Teacup" yorkie came from
not health tested parents
most likely will die at a young age and have a lot of
expensive health complications
| "Standard"
Yorkie came from health tested parents more
likely to live a long healthy life and have less health complications
Don't Be Fooled by the Marketing |
easy to fall for the cute viral video or photo of these off bred
versions of the breed. But what you aren't seeing is what is
behind the picture. People breeding teacup Yorkies are not
advocates for the Yorkie Breed. They are breaking our code of
ethics set by our parent club and breeding for fad or profit.
Share our Yorkie Pride and SAY NO to the "Teacup" Yorkies Fad and their
Breeder |