10 Reasons NOT to
Breed: |
1- Don't Breed your dog if your goal is
for any reason other than advancing the breed. F inanacial gain as a reason is
Responsible breeders stand behind every puppy in their litters,
ensuring that each dog has a forever home with them should they ever
need to be returned. |
2. Don't Breed
if you do not have the physical and financial resources to keep every
puppy --whether the litter produces one puppy or 10 puppies -- in case
you are unable to place them in responsible and appropriate homes. |
3. Don't Breed
just because your neighbor likes your dog and wants a puppy from
him/her. There is no guarantee that your dog will pass it's
looks, temperament, or personality along to its offspring. |
4. Don't Breed
if you have not don't the appropriate health checks on the prospective
parents. Diseases are rampant in the dog world. Without the
due diligence up front, you increase the odds of breeding offspring
with undesirable, inheritabe conditions that could have been avoided. |
5. Don't Breed if
you are not informed. Know the ins and outs of the type of care
that both the puppies and their mother will need. Puppy care can
easily take many long hours each day. |
6. Don't Breed
if you don't know a thing about socialization. Puppies need
introduction and exposure to household noises, children, dogs, and a
variety of experiences to build the strong confidence and character
that will make them good members of society. |
7. Don't breed
dogs with poor temperament just because they are structuarlly "a good
example of the breed'. Conversely dogs that are not structurally
sound will pass their physical flaws to their offspring. |
8. Don't Breed
if you don't realize that you are putting the life of your dog at
risk. Yes, my friend, some bitches die in the process of whelping
puppies, to say nothing of the fact that the puppies often die too! |
9. Don't Breed
just becuase you think if would be good "sex education" for your
children. If something goes wrong if can traumatize a
child. Children can get good education from watching Animal
Planet. There's no need to put their own beloved pet at risk. |
10. Don't Breed
if you are willing to let your pups go to just anyone who comes along.
You need to consider lifestyle and financial resources of any
prospective family and then make the appropriate match, which may
include no match at all! Don't be afraid to reject
prospective adopters if they're not quilified to be puppy
parents. Good breeders take responsiblitiy for every pup in their
Written by Dobie Houson
why you shouldn't breed your Yorkie
Breeding Dogs is Expensive
Breeding can be expensive and repsonsible breeders generally do not
make money on breeding a litter. If anything they are in the
black after breeding a litter. There is the purchase of a
'breeding' quality female, the health testing, the pre-pregnancy exams
by the vet, the extra supplements and food she will consume not to
mention missed work to meet heat cycle target days with the stud,
missed work around her due date and if anything (God forbid) should go
wrong with the litter. Here are some amazing links that break
down the costs for you.
O'Mal Malamutes Cost of Raising a Litter
Leema Kennel I haven't raised any money from breeding
Cryslen Kennels Cost of Raising a Responsibly Bred
Good Dog What actually goes into the cost of a puppy from a responsible
Powder Mals Cost of a Well Bred Puppy
I want my kids to experience the miracle of birth
Oftentimes puppies
are whelped in the middle of the night. Sometimes puppies can
come out still born (dead), sometimes they come out and need a helping
hand to get going, which can be scary and confusing for young
children. Birthing puppies is a messy undertaking there will be
green fluids, blood, and placentas coming out of her. What if
something goes wrong and your dog requires a C-Section? What if
something goes wrong and you end up losing your beloved family pet
during or after the whelping process, how will you explain that?
It happens. It's a part of breeding. There are many YOUTube
videos on the Miracle of Birth that you can watch or Animal Planet for
that matter. Don't risk your dogs life just to teach your child. |
I want another dog just
like mine!
you are breeding to get another dog 'just' like yours most oftentimes
while they may have some charactertistcs of the mom they also will have
characteristics of the dad. Our yorkies are siblings from the
same litter yet are polar opposites in personality and
temperament. You will have to find a male who has a similar
personality as your female which is often luck of the draw as Studs can
be slim pickings in this breed. If you want a dog 'just
like mine' go back to the breeder you got your dog from. |
Friend Wants a Puppy!
More often than that
by the time you have a litter your friend who once said this will be
'no where to be found'. If your friend wants a puppy direct them
to the breeder you got your dog from. Leave breeding to the
professionals. Don't breed for greed, don't breed to supply a
false demand. Don't risk your dogs life for naught. |
Bitch Should have a litter
This simply is not
true. Did you know that EVERY single heat cycle your dog goes
through increases their chance of developing cancer later on in
life? Bitches are not improved by having a litter.
Oftentimes having a litter can make them crabby (during the
whelping/rearing) process and your sweet dog will be nothing like the
dog you are used to. If they do change once the puppies are out
of the house they oftentimes go back to the same old dog they
had. Having puppies does not change their personalities.
Not to mention unspayed females are also prone to getting pyometra
which can be a deadly infection they get in their uterus. |
Final Thoughts
As a responsible breeder dedicated to the yorkie breed I leave you with
this. Yorkies should only be bred to improve the breed. You
should only be breeding if you are willing take full responsibility for
the puppies you bring into this world for life. They are your
responsibility no matter what. Yorkies are a delicate breed,
oftentimes needing a C-Section which when done under emergency
circumstances can be upward of $3200.00 at an Emergency Clinic.
Do you have that set aside for an emergency? Are you prepared for
that? We breed to better the breed through stringent health
testing protocols, puppy rearing techniques and through looks by
breeding only dogs who fit the AKC Breed Standard. We have been
breeding dogs for over 20+ years and have seen the good, bad and the
ugly. We have lost puppies and had to have C-Sections. We
have had to stay up all night with a whelping bitch just to make sure
she was okay and didn't have complications. Breeding is not for
the light of heart. Make sure you think it through. |